Note: It's your choice whether you believe all the links/individuals I gave below. I am not forcing you to use them anyways. Thank you.

Sharing suppliers/sources is a really hard thing to do specially when you are having even a small profit out of it. But I think, it's part of growing up that you tend to lose interest in collecting KPOP Merchandise, you would start asking yourself like "What should I do with these after I start woking?" or "Is it really worth it that I  am spending tons of money out of this items just for fun?". As you grow up, you tend to be practical and that's when you lose interest in collecting.

But, long story short, this blog contains all the websites, persons or groups that may help you find all signed albums / polaroids or even personalized signed albums for less. Some people might react negatively to this but it's about time we give chance to others, there should be no one spending more than a hundred dollar for each of their collection.


My own Profile in BUNJANG.

I know that a lot of people have heard about this website already but most of them does not know how they can contact the sellers. Bunjang is a really great website if you're trying to find cheap rare merchandise since they have most of it. From photocards to signed albums, you can get them all here. Most of the sellers here are legit since they are using phone number to register and they are only allowed to use their bank account to receive money, so nevertheless, people who scams here are easily identified by the company itself.

If you are going to use it for yourself or if you have your own account on the website, make sure that you know how to speak korean, even broken korean is fine as long as it's understandable. Because if koreans find you very hard to transact with, they will give you a negative feedback and that may affect your account standing.

As to other people who are trying to look for someone who can help them buy from this site, don't worry, I got you. I'll list down all the possible persons that may help you buy from them. Of course, some fees might apply but it's way better than spending hundreds of dollars to a korean who is greedy for money.. Ehem ~ 

Tags to search in bunjang
Signed Album - 싸인 앨범
Signed Polaroid - 싸인 폴라로이드
Photocard - 포카


What the site looks like
Now this website is way more unfamiliar with you than bunjang. This website is a lot more confusing and hard to use but this is where the all the treasures are hidden. This is where Dongchul (if you know him) usually gets his items for sale. As you can see in the screenshot I provided above, unlike bunjang, joonggonara doesn't show preview photos so you need to check the post one by one just to see what the hell are they selling if you can't read hangul that much.

To contact joonggonara sellers, they usually leave their Kakaotalk ID in the post or they will ask you to contact them directly through the website messenger. One of the negative factors in joonggonara is this place is not secured as bunjang since you're going to make transaction outside of the website and it will be really hard to track them. So make sure that the seller is a legit seller first or ask for an authentication photo of the item you want. But please remember that for koreans, once you've asked for an authentication photo, that means you are surely going to buy the item. Since they get mad easily when you backed out after asking for a lot of photos. Be responsible enough.

Tags to search in naver
Signed Album - 싸인 앨범
Signed Polaroid - 싸인 폴라로이드
Photocard - 포카

Oftenly used korean terms during transaction
* Can I ask for an authentication photo with my name?
혹시 (name to put in paper)라고 이름 적어서 인증샷 가능하신가요?
* Is this certain item still available?
아직 (name of item) 팔라요??
* Can I pay tomorrow?
내일 입금해도될까요?
* Can you give me discount if I buy all?
전부 사면 깎아줄수있으세요?
* Can I see a closer photo of the item?
(item name) 근접사진좀 볼수있을까요 ?

My korean is not perfect so if you find any errors with them, please tell me immediately. Also, find the list of people that may help you in the list that I provided below.


Our latest chat when I was asking him if I can post him on this blog

For people that usually buys personalized albums from Christine Alisia, his name should be familiar to you. He supplies all signed albums and personalized signed albums. He might also allow you to order personalized Q cards sometimes. Please take note that his english is not that good so you need to speak slowly. Also, he doesn't have a lot of slot for personalized signed albums so it's in First Come, First Serve basis. What I love about Jeongmin is that he owns a paypal account and you can pay directly to him and he can ship out the items to you directly. I'll provide some photos of his signed albums and personalized signed albums for sale below.

Contact: KAKAOTALK ID: stat1980

Regular rates:

Signed Albums - 25,000 won ($22 - $23)
Personalized Signed Albums - 35,000 won ($32 - $33)


1. Jeong Minju (facebook)
2. 한승원 (kakaotalk ID: hsw4836) he's a regular album supplier but try to ask him too
3. contact me directly, i might help you for free, but please make sure you have your own P.O Box in korea or you have a friend that can receive those items for you since most korean doesn't ship internationally (kakaotalk ID: alexified)

Please please please, do not use this information to take advantage against others. I am sharing this to prevent other people from spending too much for an item that is way lower originally. Please use them properly. I am not liable if someone uses them for scamming. For additional questions, please don't hesitate to comment below. Thank you.